A Chairman’s Challenge

Meet Clinton Ephron.  He came to Israel from Jo’burg four years ago and quickly got involved in community affairs.  The former CEO of Glencore South Africa currently resides in Tel Aviv with his family and is actively involved in philanthropic endeavours.  Voted in this summer to join the Telfed Directorate, amongst other responsibilities, Clinton assumed Chairmanship of the Fundraising portfolio.

“I am fortunate to work with a productive and diverse team of Olim. Our challenge is to ensure that we have the necessary resources to underwrite Telfed’s vital activities assisting the SA and Aussie communities in Israel.  This has become one of the central focuses of the organisation, to ensure that we are meeting the needs of our Olim.  With a 300% increase this year in the number of people wanting to make Aliyah in 2021 from South Africa, this is no easy feat”.

For the first time in its 73-year history, Telfed will be running a 36-hour online Rosh Hashanah community campaign, launching on the 1st of September.  “We’ve managed to secure sponsors who are willing to match all donations received on the site in this time, and DOUBLE the value and impact of each contribution.  We’re hoping that our Olim will join together during the high holidays, to help us reach our goal and meet the increased needs, which have put an intense strain on our resources”. 

This July, Telfed absorbed the highest number of SA Olim to land in Israel in one month in 44 years (since 1977!)  The over-riding goal is to ensure that Olim are able to settle in successfully and become proudly self-sufficient.  Thanks to the absorption, employment, housing and scholarship initiatives, this is largely realised.  However, there are individuals who face (terminal) illnesses, unemployment, bereavement and/or diminished pensions, inter alia, who really struggle to get by and depend on Telfed food cards each month.

“We are privileged, as ex-South Africans, to be able to build a stable and secure future for our children in Israel.  I can’t bear the thought that there are elderly Olim who go to bed hungry, or can’t afford to put on the air-conditioning.  I am a firm believer that charity begins at home and that we must help out those who are less fortunate”.

We wish Clinton and the team good luck and thank all of our community members for joining together in a force of goodness, at this poignant time of year.  Shana Tova and Chatima Tova!