Isrentco Allocations Committee
Policy and Procedures
1. Introduction:
Isrentco is a subsidiary of Telfed, the South African Zionist Federation, (Israel). The Isrentco apartments are intended to provide housing for olim from Southern Africa during their first years in Israel. The Allocations Committee is a sub-committee of Isrentco and operates according to the policies of Isrentco.
The 105 apartments managed by Isrentco are as follows:
Address: | Number of units: |
Amishav 27, Tel Aviv | 45 units |
Amishav 31, Tel Aviv | 30 units |
Schwartz 19, Ra’anana (3 Telfed offices) | 28 units |
Hayovel 12, Ra’anana | 2 units |
The responsibilities of the Allocations Committee are as follows:
- Allocation of apartments
- Lease extensions or amendments to the lease agreement
- Cancellation of leases
- Rental arrears
The purpose of this document is to specify criteria that will ensure that:
- There is uniformity of treatment of applicants for apartments.
- The procedures are in compliance with all legal requirements.
- The policy and procedure will ensure continuity when there is a change in the membership of the Committee or the members of staff.
Whilst having criteria sets a fairly rigid framework it is acknowledged that there will be occasions where recommendations do not fit with current policy. Such cases will be reviewed by the Committee and will be considered according to the facts provided.
2. The Allocations Committee
Members of the Allocations Committee are as follows:
- Two representatives of the Isrentco Board duly nominated and approved by the Isrentco board. (Each entitled to a vote)* They will be appointed by the Isrentco Board following the annual Telfed AGM.
- Two representatives of the Southern African community in Israel, which will not preclude members of the Isrentco Board, all of whom are duly nominated and approved by the Isrentco Board. (Each entitled to a vote)*
- The COO of Telfed
- The Property Manager
- The Telfed Aliyah and Klita Counselor
- The Telfed Social Worker
The staff will make recommendations; final decisions will be made by those with voting rights.
For purposes of voting, a minimum of three voting representatives need to be present. A quorum will be three votes.
Meetings are held according to need when apartments become available for letting.
In instances when a decision must be reached quickly, voting can be carried out by e-mail.
Three voting members of the Committee are required to approve any decision.
3. Eligibility for Consideration for Allocation
- Southern Africans up to third generation who have come on Aliyah as defined in the Telfed Procedures or families where at least one spouse fulfils this requirement. (See Telfed Procedures as approved by Exco 15th May 2011).
- The applicant does not own any property assets in Israel.
- Olim from Australia or New Zealand.
- Olim from other English speaking countries.
- The applicant has never had a rental contract with Isrentco in the past.
- An income which will enable payment of monthly rental and living expenses.
- When the rent is to be paid by a third party, the third party must provide a written undertaking to pay the rent for the duration of the lease.
- Two guarantors, resident in Israel, with proof of sufficient income or capital to cover not less than three months’ rent, or a sum equal to three months advanced rent. Guarantors may not be members of EXCO or other governing boards of Telfed.
- The applicant does not receive assistance from Telfed’s Assistance Committee at the time of the application.
4. Priorities for Apartment Allocation
- Lone soldier, Southern African, who has completed army service
- Oleh, Southern African, priority according to date of arrival in Israel.
- Southern African second generation.
- Southern African third generation.
- Australian, New Zealand and any other oleh organization with whom Telfed has a contractual relationship providing klita services.
- According to date of arrival.
- Other English speakers.
- Open market.
- Date of application, subject to the above criteria.
Additional Considerations:
- Additional information concerning the candidate.
- Family size in relation to size of apartment.
- Suitability for living in a shared environment.
5. Procedures
Applications which are considered eligible by the Property Manager will be presented to the Allocations Committee for approval. In the event that the application has been denied, the applicant may appeal the decision to the Isrentco Board (via the Allocations Committee) whose decision will be final.
On completion of the Committee’s decision, the applicant must commit to renting the apartment within seven working days from the time they have viewed the apartment. The lease must be signed within seven days of receipt of the rental contract at which time:
- The first month’s rent must be paid.
- The damage deposit must be paid
- The guarantees must be lodged, or where there are no guarantors, the advance rental must be paid.
6. Lease Extensions or Changes to Leases
Lease extensions will be considered on an individual basis taking into consideration the facts provided at the time and the length of the waiting list for apartments.
Requests for extensions must be submitted to the Allocations Committee three months before the end of the lease period.
Additional Issues Flat sharing:
Lease extensions of over two years are at the discretion of the Committee. In the event of empty apartments, individuals may be relocated to a different apartment; however, this is subject to being part of the original three-year contract. |