Chanukah 2022

Dear Telfed

Covid was a hard hit as I lost all my business.

I have finally got work and am now able to afford groceries each month and my small business is starting to grow so I can support my family.

We pray that all goes well with us.

With a full heart, I want say thank you to Telfed for assisting us. From being there emotionally during multiple miscarriages, to helping us when we moved from the Negev to the centre.

You gave us such important advice for our special needs son, and assistance to our daughter to buy gear for the army when she drafted.

Our daughter was 8 years old when we made Aliyah and she is now 21. You have been here throughout the years and today she is a commander in her combat unit.

Our son was 6 years old when we arrived and despite his learning challenges, he recently drafted to the IDF.

We have had so many ups and downs and its been really hard financially. We left South Africa in a difficult situation and never dreamed that we could be entirely self sufficient but the time has finally come!

To have an English speaking social worker support us through the most overwhelming times, meant so much and I am forever grateful.

Telfed, thank you again. 

With lots of hugs and kisses, for always caring and having abundant patience.

Sharon (the proud mother of 2 SA-born IDF soldiers)


Sharon is one of many Olim who receives assistance from Telfed. Her resilience and courage to get back up on her feet inspires us, but we could not do it without YOUR support.

To donate to Keren Telfed this Chanukah, please click here.