Who is entitled to file a claim and by what track?
Below is a summary of the new legislation passed by the government (November 2023).
Osek Patur businesses are eligible as well.
This issue is complex and we recommend you contact your accountant for guidance.
If you would like a recommendation for an English speaking Accountant please contact Yael Strausz (Telfed Employment Advisor) for details:
[email protected] / 09 790 7815 / 0546169407 (whatsapp)
The compensation outline includes a response to 3 population groups according to the location of the business.
- Compensation for all businesses in Israel:
- Providing compensation to businesses for fixed expenses and part of salary expenses according to the scope of the damage.
- Handling time: up to 7 business days (except for exceptional cases where inspection and completion of documents is required).
- Compensation for businesses in areas where the government has imposed strict security restrictions:
- Providing increased compensation to businesses due to a decrease in transaction turnover (turnover track) or due to loss of wages for employees who were absent (salary track):
- Business owners choose their preferred track.
- There is also a farmers track.
- Handling time: up to 7 business days (except for exceptional cases where inspection and completion of documents is required).
- The government legislation specifies which settlements are on this track.
- Compensation for businesses in frontier communities:
- Providing compensation to businesses in frontier communities for any loss or prevention of profit in accordance with the conditions, including cessation of activity. No compensation ceiling
- Handling time: depends on the complexity of the claim file.