Emergency guidelines, alerts and support

The Home Front Command (Pikud HaOref) has a website in English detailing what to do in emergency situations.*
We encourage you to familiarise yourselves with the guidelines provided by the authorities:



Municipalities or local authorities will update residents regarding local safety measures – e.g. when public shelters are opened or gatherings cancelled.

As this is location-specific, please ensure you receive relevant alerts and that you have assistance with translations if needed.


Missing Persons

The Home Front Command and Police have set up a Centre for Locating Missing Persons.

Address: HaNegev 4, Kiryat Sde HaTeufa, Lahav Building 433.

Relatives are requested to bring photos and to arrive with as many identifying details as possible.

Those in combat areas should please call 105.

We recommend downloading alert apps on your phones, and adjusting the settings to your location.

Pikud HaOref:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alert.meserhadash (for android)
https://apps.apple.com/il/app/israel-home-front-command/id1542010719 (for iphone)

Red Alert (tzeva adom):
https://play.google.com/store/search?q=red%20alert%20cumta&c=apps (for android)
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.redalert.tzevaadom&hl=en&gl=US (for android)
https://apps.apple.com/il/app/tzofar-red-alert/id1480129320 (for iphone)


Resources are available for emotional support during crisis situations.

Guidelines for Dealing with Stress in Emergency Situations (Home Front Command): https://www.oref.org.il/12550-17885-en/Pakar.aspx

The Ministry of Aliyah & Integration have a hotline for assistance and emotional support for immigrants:

The centre has mental health professionals who provide an expert professional response in 5 different languages from 16:00 to 21:00, 5 days a week.
For English, call 04-7702651


Kupat Cholim offer 3 free phone sessions (45 min.) with a psychologist via kupat cholim, without referral:
Maccabi – *3028 menu in English (Telem)
Clalit – *2708 menu in Hebrew. Press your ID number and #.
Leumit – 02-6335209 (Amcha) menu in Hebrew
Meuchedet – *3833 general menu, press 3 for English.


The Ministry of Aliyah and Integration operates an emotional assistance hotline in conjunction with the ERAN association.
New‼️ Mental Health Service that provides Professional Emotional Help to Olim and returning residents. If you or someone you know, feel overwhelmed, lost or lonely, come talk to us, in your own language.
The service is anonymous and free of charge!
Active on Sunday – Thursday between 16:00-21:00.
You are not alone, we are here for you. Talk to us.
Call *3201 or Click below to Chat and more details >>



Emergency numbers:
Police – 100
Ambulance – 101
Fire – 102
Electric company – 103
Pikud HaOref – 104
Missing persons – 105
Local council or municipality – 106
Magen David Adom – *3101
Hatzalah – 1221
Social Services 24 hour hotline – 118

Telfed office – 09 790 7801

A full list of Telfed staff contact information is available here.


*What is the Home Front Command?

“The Home Front Command (PAKAR/HFC) is entrusted with civil defense in routine times and in emergencies. Its purpose is to reinforce national resilience and save lives by preparing the civilian home front before a conflict, support it through lifesaving and rescue activities when that front is under attack, and, once the conflict is over, assist with the rapid rehabilitation of the civilian home front…

During emergencies, the Home Front Command directs the rescue and lifesaving forces, alerts the population of the threat, informs the populace how to act, and guides local authorities and government ministries on how to carry out their tasks in areas of civil defense.

In addition to assessments by security officials, who provide a response to various incidents, only citizens can prepare themselves and their families for an emergency.” (read more here).