Message from incoming Telfed Chairman, Maish Isaacson

On Monday 26 June, Maish Isaacson was elected to serve as Chairman of Telfed during Telfed’s 2023 Annual General Meeting. He shares a message with the community:
“I thank you for putting your trust in me to Chair this amazing organisation once again. My affinity, care, understanding and appreciation of how much this organisation does, and has done over the past 75 years, to assist Southern African Olim (and others), made my decision so much easier, and I immediately accepted the offer.
I extend my thanks to Telfed’s outgoing Chairman, Robby Hilkowitz, for all that he and his Directorate have done for this illustrious organisation. I walk into a well-run and well-staffed Telfed, that we can all be immensely proud of.
For the duration of my term as Chairman, my focus will be on sustainability and service. With this in mind, I am excited to welcome a new generation of volunteer leaders to Telfed. I am excited to introduce our new Vice Chairman, Debbie Dash, and Treasurer, Akiva Ehrlich. I also welcome eight new, young and dynamic leaders onto Telfed’s EXCO.
I look forward to a most exciting journey ahead, as Telfed continues to go from strength to strength.”
Robby Hilkowitz (left) pictured with newly elected Telfed Chairman, Maish Isaacson