News flash

Can you help those hardest hit, with your government Covid19 grant?

If you are in a position where you are not dependent on this grant, please consider donating it to a SA family in genuine need in our community.

Click here to pay it forward (tax-deductible)

 In other news…

You can now send online e-card greetings to honour family and friends on holidays and special occasions, and, at the same time, support our charitable communal services for new and veteran olim. Click here to check out our new site.

We’ve made the mitzvah of giving super-easy and have included a short and ‘sweet’ donation platform on our new website.  Try it out this Rosh Hashanah and let us know what you think!  Click here to see the new, simple system. 

This week, we will be welcoming 28 new Olim from South Africa. As per government guidelines, they will be in quarantine for their first 2 weeks in Israel. Click here for more information on Aliyah and Klita.

If you would like to volunteer to assist those in quarantine or if you require assistance, read more about our community corona response and please complete the relevant online forms.

Telfed’s Volunteer and Financial Need-based scholarship applications are now open! Click here to learn more about our scholarship programmes and to apply.

Looking for a job? Telfed offers free employment counselling to new and veteran Olim. For more employment-related information, click here.SA