Message from Telfed Chairman, Maish Isaacson

Dear OlimWe are dealing with an unprecedented situation in Israel. More than ever, our love of Israel and our people, and an unparalleled sense of togetherness will carry us through these difficult days. Telfed leadership and staff are in contact with our Lone Soldiers and new Olim. We understand that there are many Olim who do not know what to do in emergency situations and we encourage new and veteran Olim to read the latest guidelines from the Home Front Command (Pikud HaOref), and to follow instructions for your local authorities. If these are only available in Hebrew, please find a friend or neighbour to help with translations. It is imperative that you understand the ever-changing situation and know how to react accordingly. Numerous resources are available to guide and support you. Click here for lifesaving information on our website, including emotional support hotlines, links to alert apps for you to download and set for your region, and information for those looking for missing relatives. Collections for supplies for residents in the Gaza Envelope communities and soldiers are taking place countrywide. If you would like to inform the community of a collection in your city or town, please feel free to share this on Facebook. We extend our thanks to our Olim who are involved in these projects. We have been approached by families who have offered to open their homes to residents from the affected areas. Those wishing to host can click here and complete the form for host families. Those looking to be hosted can click here for contact information for host families. Also, if you are aware of any South Africans or Australians who need assistance, please contact us. Trauma experts have advised that those with young children should be sensitive to the photos and videos shared on the news and social media – please consider turning off the TV to protect your children. We invite the community to watch a recording of our recent webinar with experts on how to deal with the crisis. Our thoughts are with our soldiers, our fellow citizens, our security and medical personnel, our volunteers and residents in the affected communities. Together, we are praying for the strength and comfort of the bereaved, a speedy recovery for all those injured, and for the safety of all Israelis. Am Yisrael Chai! Yours sincerely,Maish IsaacsonTelfed Chairman052 836 5500

An updated list of emergency resources, including emotional support, host families, security alert apps and more is available at