SASI Shabbaton: A Memorable Experience in Jerusalem

Telfed’s Samson SASI scholarship programme (South Africans Studying in Israel) provides South African students with the opportunity to study and volunteer in Israel and strengthen their connection to Israel through social activities. This year, we invited our SASI students to join us for a Shabbaton in the heart of the country, Jerusalem.

The SASI Shabbaton took began on Asara B’Tevet in Jerusalem, a fast day commemorating the 587 BCE siege of Jerusalem, which led to the destruction of the First Temple and the Babylonian exile.

Shabbat began with candle lighting and Kabbalat Shabbat at the Kotel, where we joined in singing and dancing. During dinner, two young ex South African Olim joined the group to speak about their Aliyah, their journey as Lone Soldiers and their powerful experiences from October 7th, emphasizing the enduring connection of the Jewish people to Israel.

On Shabbat morning, we explored Jerusalem’s rich history with tour guide Dani Weiss, visiting the Jewish Quarter, King David’s Tomb, Mount Zion, and more. Dani’s insights highlighted Jerusalem’s significance as Israel’s capital and a holy city for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

The Shabbaton was a time for connection, reflection, and a celebration of the resilience that continues to sustain the Jewish people. Thank you to our wonderful students and to Yael, our SASI coordinator, for a meaningful weekend.