Lone Soldiers

Since the founding of Telfed in 1948, the wellbeing of our Lone Soldiers has been central to our organisation. The contribution of these young men and women is a source of pride for our community, as we recognise and appreciate their contribution to the State of Israel.

Telfed offers support to Lone Soldiers from Southern Africa and/or Australia.

As new young Olim, you are invited to contact our Aliyah and Klita Advisor to notify her of your upcoming service so she can add you to Telfed’s Lone Soldier community. This allows us to keep you informed of Telfed’s Lone Soldier events and activities.

Our in-house Social Worker is available to counsel you throughout your service and Telfed services continue after your discharge from the army: 

Lone Soldiers who wish to study at Israeli universities are encouraged to apply for Telfed scholarships, they are given priority for Telfed’s rental apartments, and our employment advisor is available to offer guidance during the job hunt.

Through the generous support of our donors, Telfed is able to organise fun events and activities for Lone Soldiers and offer treats. These vary each year, under the auspices of our Lone Soldier Committee. In addition, Telfed’s Lone Soldier Fund, in memory of Susan Sharon, was established to assist Lone Soldiers after their release from service as they transition to civilian life in Israel.

Currently serving or about to be inducted Lone Soldiers who would like to join the SA or AU Lone Soldier WhatsApp groups are invited to email [email protected]

Below are some useful resources for those considering drafting as a Lone Soldier: 


From our Soldiers

This video was made independently by lone soldiers, for lone soldiers, to ensure that you understand your rights. Special thanks to Rachel Lester.
If you would like to get involved with Telfed and support lone soldiers, contact us - [email protected]