Panel Discussion: What you need to know about the Vaccine

In case you missed it, click here to watch our

SA-born panellists, Dr. Gail Loon-Lustig, Dr. Rhona Bagraim and Dr. Carron Sher, answer your vaccine-related questions.

Practical Information: What you need to know about getting the Covid-19 Vaccination in Israel.

Dr Gail Loon-Lustig
A graduate of UCT medical school made aliya in 1976. Worked as General Practitioner in Givatayim and after that as the director of Home Care for Maccabi Health Organization in the central area.
Took an active role in teaching and other projects over the years. Volunteering on the Board of BP for many years and directing the medical committee.

Dr Rhona Bagraim
Specialist in Family Medicine. Made Aliya 20 years ago in 2000 with her husband and a small baby to the Merkaz Klita Ra’anana. Medical training at UCT graduated 1996. Specialized in Family Medicine in Israel. Works for Maccabi in Ra’anana. Spent 10 years combining work as a Medical Manager for Maccabi with clinical work and over the last 2 years has been focusing on her clinic.

Dr Carron Sher
Trained at the University of Cape Town and in Pediatrics and Medical Genetics at Schneider Children’s Hospital in Israel. Currently working as a paediatrician for Clalit in Shoham and in drug research for an international company that runs drug trials.