Aliyah Stories

A Tale of Two Brothers: The Different Faces of Heroism
By Liel Katz They knew they were in trouble when the rocket fire hadn’t stopped after 10 minutes. Would the Iron Dome have the capacity

Catering for the Country’s Needs
By Richard Shavei-Tzion Immediately after the war began, two veteran South African Olim, Debbie Sandler and Herbie Jackson, sprang into action. Living on Kibbutz Ein

Jacky Romano: A Formidable Spirit
Stepping Up: Stories of Hope from Israel’s Civilian Frontlines part III Jacky Romano met the love of her life fresh out of school. Straight after

Gila Nussbaum: A Force of Nature
Stepping Up: Stories of Hope from Israel’s Civilian Frontlines part II For many South African Olim this war marks the first time they have been

Eli and Kayla: Thunder and Lightning
Stepping Up: Stories of Hope from Israel’s Civilian Frontlines – part I It was 6:30 a.m. on October 7th when the wail of sirens pierced

Embracing and Unifying Israel’s Blue and White
By Debbie Mankowitz – written under the auspices of the Israel Forever Foundation* Blue and white are historically associated with Jewish traditions, and the traditional