Aliyah Stories

Gila Nussbaum: A Force of Nature
Stepping Up: Stories of Hope from Israel’s Civilian Frontlines part II For many South African Olim this war marks the first time they have been

Eli and Kayla: Thunder and Lightning
Stepping Up: Stories of Hope from Israel’s Civilian Frontlines – part I It was 6:30 a.m. on October 7th when the wail of sirens pierced

Embracing and Unifying Israel’s Blue and White
By Debbie Mankowitz – written under the auspices of the Israel Forever Foundation* Blue and white are historically associated with Jewish traditions, and the traditional

A leader among us
By Guy Lieberman Cherie Albucher is one of those rare politicians who stepped into the political arena less out of a need for power, and

Welcome Ruth!
On 19 April 2023, 97 year old Ruth Tarlo made Aliyah from Australia. Ruth was greeted at Ben Gurion Airport by representatives of the Ministry

Remembering Israel’s fallen heroes who died defending Kfar Etzion
Two young men from South Africa couldn’t be more different. But they both died together in Kfar Etzion fighting for Israel. By RICHARD SHAVEI-TZION This is