Aliyah Stories

We’re all cheering for the same team
By David Wiseman The crazy thing about growing up in Australia is that they play everything. From cricket to baseball and karate to kayaking. They

Freemasonry Demystified
By Guy Lieberman The Masonic Order has always carried with it a sense of mystique, a quality of the clandestine. The fact that it is

Prime Ministers in Perspective
For former Johannesburg businessman Myron Zaidel, making Aliyah was about much more than just packing up his life and his possessions. “I wanted to create

My Eilat
South African Olah Fonda Dubb began writing poetry in her “third age”. Her poem ‘My Eilat’ was used for the opening of the English Day

75 years of the State of Israel
By Lennie Lurie Within ten years after the end of the Second World War in 1945, all the British and French colonies and mandated territories

South African Olah wins 3 gold medals in European Masters Swimming Championship
South African Olah, Rona Joffe, recently participated in the European Masters Swimming Championship in Rome. Rona, the only ex-South African on the Israeli team, achieved